Performance, 2008
Tutok Creative Convergence Art Festival
Sambalikhaan Grounds
Manila, Philippines
This performance work is to resurrect the momentum of drifting into the slumber. During sleep, our psych travels deeper into the unconsciousness. Even tortured bodies are unexceptionally embraced by the healing of slumber.
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Liquid water with pigment was contained in the condoms. I was holding the needle in my mouth and breaking the inflated condoms one by one. The river-like fabric was spread on the ground. The ruptured liquid dyed the fabric in various colors and shapes. The condom signifies oppressed sexual energy, which was turned into violence as torture.
In our culture, it was told that we will cross a river to transition into the afterlife plane.
performance documentation, 3min
*The video can be watched with a donation-based contribution.
Please make an inquiry via the contact page.
スランバー/ Slumber
Tutok Creative Convergence Art Festival
Sambalikhaan Grounds、フィリピン・ケソン市
Slumber 선잠
Manila, Philippines
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